1)      How does DR CHARCOAL work?

DR CHARCOAL contains 100% Natural Activated Charcoal made from Coconut Shells that works as an absorbing agent removing stains from your teeth. Activated Charcoal + Bentonite Clay absorbs toxins and bacteria from your mouth leaving you with feeling fresh, clean and bright.

2)      How long do I brush my teeth for?

Brushing your teeth for 2-3 minutes – in a circular motion. Leaving the DR CHARCOAL in your mouth after brushing for a further 1 minute to provide long lasting effect. – Rinse with water – and use normal tooth paste after.

3)      What does DR CHARCOAL Taste Like?

DR CHARCOAL – has been developed to ensure there is no unpleasant taste when using 100% Natural Coconut Shell Activated Charcoal – by adding in Natural Peppermint – which will leads to a hint of minty flavor.

4)      Does DR CHARCOAL Replace Existing Toothpaste?

No DR CHARCOAL is a Teeth Whitening agent and should be used before your normal toothpaste.

5)      When can I see results?

Results can vary depending on people, however, you should see a noticeable results after one week of regular use. DR CHARCOAL will remove exterior stains/discolouration from the surface of your teeth caused by daily food and drink without altering your enamel.

6)      What chemicals are used in DR CHARCOAL?

DR CHARCOAL is a 100% Natural Teeth Whitening Product which includes natural clay in our formula –Bentonite Clay; known as excellent source of Calcium, Magnesium and Silica – necessary for healthy enamel.  DR CHARCOAL Teeth Whitening Powder ensures; No Synthetic additives, preservatives, foaming agents, fluoride, artificial colours or flavours are used.

7)      Would DR CHARCOAL make an impact if I smoke or drink coffee?

DR CHARCOAL has been designed to remove stains and discolouration which has been caused by common everyday habits such as ‘Fizzy Drinks, Smoking and Drinking Coffee’. 

8)      Do you test on Animals?

Absolutely not! DR CHARCOAL is ethical company who would never condone, promote or sell products which have been tested on animals.

9)      Is this product suitable for vegetarians?

Absolutely – We do not add any products from Animals or any dairy products.

10)   Is DR CHARCOAL safe to use on sensitive teeth?

DR CHARCOAL is perfectly safe to use on sensitive teeth given that you use a soft bristle toothbrush and brush appropriately. If you suffer from extensive sensitive teeth – please consult a Dentist before use.



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